Monday, June 22, 2015

Blog post w9

This is my inquiry plan. I am going to use it to find out some important things.

What I already know for sure? (Facts)3 big wonderings (open ended questions)How could I find this out? Where could I look?How I would present my findings?What I have found
dont cach raabech in the worlterIs there any way we can clean the warteryoutubeposter
donyt put mud in the pool or eay worterWhat does the dirty water do to the children that drink it googlebook
dont put sand in the seawhat is making the water dirtylibrarybig sign
do not ptu hot waerter in clod waolter becaue it makes it makes the hot go in the clodinternet

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

W8 - Reading Task

This is a reading task that I did.
I was learning to find information in the story.

Picking Up Rubbish

What had the bird used to build it’s nest? (choose 3)
dry leaves
and an efin alss it cod find

How is the sparrow helpful?
by picking up rubbish

How can we help the sparrow?
by not just checking rabich on the loan or any war ales

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Writing - Week 7

                                         minecraft                                                                                                                   I am blogging this because it is a master piece.
WE were learning to write good sentences about a scene.

IN the morning I woke up at 5.00 .I Lept out of bed and zoomed down the hallway and turn on the xbox 1.I got the controller a’n  went on minecraft.I went in my dad’s  world .I went to my  House and crafted a diamond axe. an started to tame down the Trees. I went to go in bed in minecraft. when my diamond axe was broken i had my hole inventory full with wood.I put the wood in a cest.zoom i zoomed to the nether portal.some how i teleported in the nether portal...I saw a zombie pigman when i just got in.As jast as look up i saw a ghast i run across obsidian.In the holidays I played minecraft most of the time.